【アズワン AS ONE】汎用器具・消耗品 金属・樹脂実験必需1 実験室必需機器その他HL-DS-NT3 docking station,HW4-E standard version logging software,USB data cableHygroData-HL-E-USB Logger PC Access SetPC Access Set for use with HL-NT2-DP stand-alone loggerUSB & RS485 interfaces Program the logger easily with the required logging interval,dew point or other parameter,start time,duration and alarms Graphical interface for monitored or recorded values Statistical information from recorded data Additionally record measurements to the PC if required Compatible with Windows XP,Vista and Windows 7 Wall mounting bracket supplied商品の仕様入数:1個アクセサリタイプ:USBインターフェイス併用可能製品:HL-NT2-DPRoHS適合状況:適合コード番号:704-0314【※ご注意ください】商品は代表の画像を使用しています。